Welcome to the Winston-Salem Film Academy (WSFA) where we champion the spirit of "Run it like you own it!" At WSFA, we take pride in delivering exceptional training to budding filmmakers and videographers who are not only interested in creating a quality produce but also want to learn how to make money doing it.
Founded by Tracy Misner, a Content Creator and Instructor with over three decades of industry experience, we stand at the forefront of film education. Our curriculum is designed around the core principles of videography, production, and storytelling, ensuring that our academy is the go-to hub for anyone aspiring to build a business master the art of quality content creation.
Tracy Misner has been working in media since 1985-first as a recording engineer-then as a media producer and a film instructor. He began teaching in high school film in 2009 and n 2012, he established his first First Film Academy in Alpharetta, GA. As an Apple Distinguished Educator, Misner led his students to 32 Student Production Awards from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Now retired from teaching, Tracy stays active as the content creator for his company Misner Media and has established the Winston-Salem Film Academy to continue to provide young people with a passion for film the knowledge they need to be successful.
Our Curriculum
In the Winston-Salem Film Academy's 20 hour session students will learn how to shoot and edit video to tell powerful stories. This program also teaches students how to monetize their work. Students will learn how to:
Establish a YouTube Channel (designed to host and share your productions)
Edit Video on Final Cut Pro
Camera composition on professional film cameras
Camera composition on iPhone
Transfer footage
Acquire professional sound
Do voice-overs
Understand Foley production
Conduct an interview
Use light
Use green screen
Tell a story
Use skills in a social media setting
Monetize your production/skill set
Produce a sustainable business plan
Understand financial literacy (taught by Piedmont Federal Bank)
Plan for financial well-being even if your income is not steady
Financial Assistance Available
Thanks to a generous donation by the Reynolds American Foundation and the Ray and Lynn Clarke STEAM Scholarship Fund, tuition assistance for families in need is available. Qualified applicants can receive up to a 75% discount on tuition.
Contact alan@wsmixxer.org or call to inquire, 336.265.7362