Meet the Instructor
Lara Crews
Lara Crews is the owner and founder of Steamstress at the Circ Desk, LLC. Having spent just over a decade as a children’s librarian in both public and school libraries, Lara learned that the maker side of libraries was her favorite part!
Lara learned to sew after becoming a librarian to make her own costumes for storytime - and ended up making stuffed animals for props, totes for books and iPads, and quilts!
Taking her love of stories and sewing, Lara wanted to work with the community to take that spark of an idea and turn it into a reality. When Lara is not sewing, she is fluffing a quilt for her elderly cat to lay on or making her own spin on healthy cooking as a culinary school drop-out turned librarian! You can find Lara on IG: @Seamstressatthecircdesk.
Areas of instruction:
Sewing Studio
Previous Classes Include: