Iron House Numbers
In this Cast Iron Art workshop you will use computer software to design your house number plaque, then use a CNC router to create the “positive” that you will cast into a sand/resin mold.
In this Cast Iron Art workshop you will use computer software to design your house number (up to 4 letters or numbers) plaque, then use a CNC router to create the “positive” that you will cast into a sand/resin mold. Your completed mold will be filled with cast iron during our next annual Night of Fire event.
This is a two session class. In the first session you will design your marker and learn to use the CNC router to carve out your design. In the second session you will learn to create the mold that will be used to create your personalized piece of iron art.
Beginners welcome!
IMPORTANT: Be sure to wear long pants and close toed shoes.
Power in Numbers